Okay, so it is officially the last day of the month, which means it is time to look at what has to be done in January!
Key Dates
January 1st - give Banshee her meds
January 3rd - Father-in-law's birthday
January 5th - Little Christmas
January 6th - Brother-in-law's birthday
January 9th - Two more Brothers-in-law's birthdays
January 21st - Mother-in-law's birthday
Here's what has to be done...
- Give Banshee her meds!! I always forget to do this.
- Put away all Christmas decorations.
- Send birthday cards to all Brothers-in-law.
- For the inlaws (who are divorced), figure out a small gift and/or schedule time for a visit and/or dinner for each of their birthdays. Bill's dad lives in California and is leaving on the 5th, so this one has to be done basically this week.
- Buy gifts (if necessary) for Little Christmas. We have this every year at my mom's house. She has 5 brothers and 2 sisters we would see every Christmas (along with my 15 cousins). It was always a mad house, so she started Little Christmas wehre she invites only her two sisters and their kids over the week after for a more intimate gathering.
- House Fix-its. We have a few small fix-its that need to be done around the house, and I'm sick of looking at them. So, we're knocking all of them off our list this month.
- Start the Big Purge!!
What is the big purge you ask? Well, basically, I want to go through all the rooms in our house and get rid of as much stuff as possible. I cannot believe the amount of stuff we have emassed since moving into our house in 2009. I'm trying to simplify my life, and I want to be surrounded only by things I really love or that serve a purpose. I'm going to use two boxes for each room...one for items to donate, and one for items to sell. Then, I'm actually going to donate and/or sell them!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Merry Christmas!
I hope everybody enjoyed the Christmas holiday!
I officially completed everything on my Christmas to-do list:
- Bring Madeleine to see Santa
- Buy Christmas Tree
- Decorate for Christmas (tree, interior,
- Christmas Shopping (We have 20 people to buy for!)
Christmas Eve Meal - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Christmas Cookies - Plan
/ Buy Ingredients / Make
- Wrap Christmas presents (make sure I have boxes,
paper, and bows)
- Attend mass (last year we missed this due to an urgent care visit with Madeleine on Christmas Day)
- Christmas Cards - Create / Buy / Mail-out
- Mail Christmas gifts to out-of-town family
- Clean the house for Christmas Eve
I left work on Friday around 2:30pm. Since I don't normally pick up Madeleine until 4:30pm, I stopped home first and wrapped all our Christmas presents. When we were all home, we made a yummy bacon and goat cheese pizza for dinner. Bill was still under the weather, so he rested while I made the dough for the sugar and gingerbread cookies. I also made a final list of everything I needed from the store for my Christmas Eve dinner and cookies.
Saturday, I meant to set my alarm to get a bit of cleaning in before Madeleine woke up; but I forgot. Of course, that would be the day she didn't wake up until after 7am too; so I lost some time there, but it did feel really nice to sleep in a bit. Bill watched her while I headed first downtown to our favorite Italian grocery store, Gloriosos's, and then to the regular grocery store. After I got home and we unpacked everything, Bill counted; and we had over 10 pounds of cheese in our fridge!! Then we were basically in a state of flux the rest of the afternoon, as it was too early to cook; and the house wasn't terribly messy either. So, we just sort of chilled out and played in the house. Bill did fix our back storm door though. It has only been broken since April 2010! We capped off the night at Bill's sister's for pre-Christmas get together. We had a nice ham dinner, and Madeleine had a blast chasing a ball around and playing with her older cousins and Uncles.
Sunday Bill got up with Madeleine. I was up by 8am ready to get started on basically everything that needed to be done for Christmas Eve, but unfortunately the past few days of being sick caught up with Bill and he crashed on the couch. He literally slept on the couch until noon!! Thankfully, Madeleine was super good and entertained herself while I baked cookies. I baked mint chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, and gingerbread men cookies. Madeleine helped decorate some of the sugar cookies with sprinkles...a lot of sprinkles!!
After Madeleine went down for her nap, I was so tired from being on my feet all morning that I joined Bill on the couch for the Packers' game and napped a bit myself. Bill finally started to perk up, and made his contribution to the cookies - chocolate chip/coconut bars. Afterwards, I got all my linens ironed and laid out on the table; and did a bit of cleaning (seriously...why wasn't our house more messy?). I did one final run to the grocery store to pick up a few last minute items. For dinner we just did leftovers. Then, after Madeleine went to bed I spent the rest of the evening decorating the remaining sugar cookies and gingerbread men with Royal Icing. This was only the second time I have worked with it. I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
On Christmas Eve morning I finished cleaning the house; which didn't take too long. My parents showed up around 11am to help me with dinner. We always have lasagna on Christmas Eve, but I have actually never made one before. My mom helped me with it while Bill and my dad kept Madeleine entertained. Around 3pm, my oldest sister arrived with her twins (also age 2), and my little sister arrived too. My little sister, Bill, and I watched the kids while my two older sisters and parents went to mass. (I have 3 sisters total, 2 older and 1 younger) Bill's dad arrived 4pm to join the fun too. I had dinner mentally planned for about 6pm. Everybody got home from church around 5:45pm, and the chaos began (good chaos though). There was a mad dash to get dinner on the table, but other than those 20 minutes of craziness everything went off without hitch. We sat down to eat about 6:15, and it was all delicious!! We had lasagna, Italian sausage, garlic bread, green beans, and salad. After that there was all my cookies for dessert and of course presents!! It was completely crazy with 1 three year old and 3 two year olds, but a lot of fun.
Those headed back home were gone by about 9:30pm. My little sister, Bill, and I went to 10pm mass; while my parents stayed with Madeleine. We got home a little after 11pm, set out all the remaining presents, cleaned up a bit, and were in bed by midnight.
On Christmas morning we had a little family snuggle time in bed. Madeleine joined me in bed while Bill showered; then we switched. I wanted us all to go downstairs together, so we'd both get to see Madeleine's reaction to her presents. Her big Santa gift was an art easel with a chalkboard on one side and a dry erase board on the other. I thought she would be super excited, but she was actually a little timid about it all. It was still cute though. My parents and little sister had spent the night, so they joined us for presents. Madeleine enjoyed opening presents, but wanted to play with each one after it was opened. So, it took a little while for her to make it through her pile. She definitely like the easel. We also got her kitten slippers that she did not want to take off. I think her favorite present was a $1 LED flashlight thingy I picked up for her stocking. You press a button and it lights up and spins, and she loved it. Go figure. We probably could have just gotten her that and she would have been totally content.
After presents, Bill and I made French toast and bacon for everybody. Then around 11am, we said goodbye to my family and headed over to my Mother-in-law's. It was more presents there literally the minute we walked in the door. We had a turkey dinner around 2ish. It was after dinner that we realized we had forgotton to put Madeleine down for a nap, so she did that after dinner; while Bill and I got to relax and just visit with everyone. We woke her up around 4pm, said our goodbyes, and headed home. Madeleine played with her chalk board the rest of the night. I wanted to get us back on our normal schedule since I had to work the next morning, so we put her to bed 7pm as per usual. She went right to sleep. Bill and I capped off the night watching the Doctor Who Christmas special on BBC America then headed upstairs to bed. Exhausted, we went to sleep at 10pm.
So, that's our Christmas run-down. We survived, and like I wanted, it was super stress-free. I told Bill to keep reminding me that everything didn't have to be perfect. That really helped. I planned everything really well though, so even though it didn't have to be perfect...it basically was.
I officially completed everything on my Christmas to-do list:
- Buy Christmas Tree
- Attend mass (last year we missed this due to an urgent care visit with Madeleine on Christmas Day)
- Christmas Cards - Create / Buy / Mail-out
- Mail Christmas gifts to out-of-town family
- Clean the house for Christmas Eve
I left work on Friday around 2:30pm. Since I don't normally pick up Madeleine until 4:30pm, I stopped home first and wrapped all our Christmas presents. When we were all home, we made a yummy bacon and goat cheese pizza for dinner. Bill was still under the weather, so he rested while I made the dough for the sugar and gingerbread cookies. I also made a final list of everything I needed from the store for my Christmas Eve dinner and cookies.
Saturday, I meant to set my alarm to get a bit of cleaning in before Madeleine woke up; but I forgot. Of course, that would be the day she didn't wake up until after 7am too; so I lost some time there, but it did feel really nice to sleep in a bit. Bill watched her while I headed first downtown to our favorite Italian grocery store, Gloriosos's, and then to the regular grocery store. After I got home and we unpacked everything, Bill counted; and we had over 10 pounds of cheese in our fridge!! Then we were basically in a state of flux the rest of the afternoon, as it was too early to cook; and the house wasn't terribly messy either. So, we just sort of chilled out and played in the house. Bill did fix our back storm door though. It has only been broken since April 2010! We capped off the night at Bill's sister's for pre-Christmas get together. We had a nice ham dinner, and Madeleine had a blast chasing a ball around and playing with her older cousins and Uncles.
Sunday Bill got up with Madeleine. I was up by 8am ready to get started on basically everything that needed to be done for Christmas Eve, but unfortunately the past few days of being sick caught up with Bill and he crashed on the couch. He literally slept on the couch until noon!! Thankfully, Madeleine was super good and entertained herself while I baked cookies. I baked mint chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, and gingerbread men cookies. Madeleine helped decorate some of the sugar cookies with sprinkles...a lot of sprinkles!!
After Madeleine went down for her nap, I was so tired from being on my feet all morning that I joined Bill on the couch for the Packers' game and napped a bit myself. Bill finally started to perk up, and made his contribution to the cookies - chocolate chip/coconut bars. Afterwards, I got all my linens ironed and laid out on the table; and did a bit of cleaning (seriously...why wasn't our house more messy?). I did one final run to the grocery store to pick up a few last minute items. For dinner we just did leftovers. Then, after Madeleine went to bed I spent the rest of the evening decorating the remaining sugar cookies and gingerbread men with Royal Icing. This was only the second time I have worked with it. I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
On Christmas Eve morning I finished cleaning the house; which didn't take too long. My parents showed up around 11am to help me with dinner. We always have lasagna on Christmas Eve, but I have actually never made one before. My mom helped me with it while Bill and my dad kept Madeleine entertained. Around 3pm, my oldest sister arrived with her twins (also age 2), and my little sister arrived too. My little sister, Bill, and I watched the kids while my two older sisters and parents went to mass. (I have 3 sisters total, 2 older and 1 younger) Bill's dad arrived 4pm to join the fun too. I had dinner mentally planned for about 6pm. Everybody got home from church around 5:45pm, and the chaos began (good chaos though). There was a mad dash to get dinner on the table, but other than those 20 minutes of craziness everything went off without hitch. We sat down to eat about 6:15, and it was all delicious!! We had lasagna, Italian sausage, garlic bread, green beans, and salad. After that there was all my cookies for dessert and of course presents!! It was completely crazy with 1 three year old and 3 two year olds, but a lot of fun.
Those headed back home were gone by about 9:30pm. My little sister, Bill, and I went to 10pm mass; while my parents stayed with Madeleine. We got home a little after 11pm, set out all the remaining presents, cleaned up a bit, and were in bed by midnight.
On Christmas morning we had a little family snuggle time in bed. Madeleine joined me in bed while Bill showered; then we switched. I wanted us all to go downstairs together, so we'd both get to see Madeleine's reaction to her presents. Her big Santa gift was an art easel with a chalkboard on one side and a dry erase board on the other. I thought she would be super excited, but she was actually a little timid about it all. It was still cute though. My parents and little sister had spent the night, so they joined us for presents. Madeleine enjoyed opening presents, but wanted to play with each one after it was opened. So, it took a little while for her to make it through her pile. She definitely like the easel. We also got her kitten slippers that she did not want to take off. I think her favorite present was a $1 LED flashlight thingy I picked up for her stocking. You press a button and it lights up and spins, and she loved it. Go figure. We probably could have just gotten her that and she would have been totally content.
After presents, Bill and I made French toast and bacon for everybody. Then around 11am, we said goodbye to my family and headed over to my Mother-in-law's. It was more presents there literally the minute we walked in the door. We had a turkey dinner around 2ish. It was after dinner that we realized we had forgotton to put Madeleine down for a nap, so she did that after dinner; while Bill and I got to relax and just visit with everyone. We woke her up around 4pm, said our goodbyes, and headed home. Madeleine played with her chalk board the rest of the night. I wanted to get us back on our normal schedule since I had to work the next morning, so we put her to bed 7pm as per usual. She went right to sleep. Bill and I capped off the night watching the Doctor Who Christmas special on BBC America then headed upstairs to bed. Exhausted, we went to sleep at 10pm.
So, that's our Christmas run-down. We survived, and like I wanted, it was super stress-free. I told Bill to keep reminding me that everything didn't have to be perfect. That really helped. I planned everything really well though, so even though it didn't have to be perfect...it basically was.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday Fun
It's been a long week in my household with a sick little girl, and now husband. Madeleine woke up Monday morning with a runny nose and fever that at its highest reached 103.8. She still has a runny nose, but is otherwise better. For once (knock on wood) I didn't catch her cold, but Bill actually did; which is rare as he hardly ever gets sick. He's now currently fighting the same fever and nasal congestion. We also both had work holiday dinners on different nights this week, so I feel like we've hardly even seen each other. To top it all off, we got our first major snow storm here in Milwaukee. I was actually driving home in it last night, and it wasn't fun. Thankfully, by our house we didn't get too much (thank you Lake Michigan). I don't think Bill would have had it in him this morning if he had to fire up the snow blower.
So, I didn't get around to the couple of things I wanted to post about this week. I wanted to end the week with something though, so I'll leave you with something that made me laugh. Have you seen the sheer ridiculousness (awesomeness?) that is the Kardashian Christmas card?
So, I didn't get around to the couple of things I wanted to post about this week. I wanted to end the week with something though, so I'll leave you with something that made me laugh. Have you seen the sheer ridiculousness (awesomeness?) that is the Kardashian Christmas card?
My first reaction to this card was that this family is crazy and full of themselves, but the more I think about it the more I think it's awesome!! Come on, there is a white fluffy cat sitting in a plexiglass box for goodness sakes!
I have never watched an episode of their show, yet I know the name of almost everybody in this picture. Are they all overexposed, yes; but you have to give them props for marketing themselves so well, and staying relevant. I think they are the epitome of the saying "there is no such thing as bad press."
So, kudos to them for celebrating the fact that they are all rich and beautiful. How wonderful would it be to be able to spend your money on matching designer outfits, and a professionally taken (and photoshopped) family portrait. You don't even have to be all together...a few of the family members couldn't make it, so were just photoshopped in.
Oh, and if you're looking for more ways to waste time on the Internet today...just type "Kardashian Christmas Card" in Google images and you won't be disappointed. They've been doing over the top Christmas cards for years and years, and they are all hilarously awesome.
I hope everybody enjoys the holidays!! I'll be back next week with a rundown of our Christmas activities. Merry Christmas!
Photo Source: nicksaglimbeni.com
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
You Taught Me Everything I know About Exterior Illumination
Bill and I just watched Christmas Vacation over the weekend, so the title of this post is a nod to what is still one of my favorite Christmas movies.
Although it is hardly worthy of Clark Griswald, we did decorate the front of our house for Christmas. We never really done this before, so we kept it small and simple this year.
On the front porch we hung pre-lit garland we picked up at Stein's. We wrapped it around the railing going up the porch steps, and then across the front of the porch with a red bow in the middle of each swag. Then we wrapped red plastic ribbon around the end columns of the porch like candy canes.
I hung my jingle bell wreath (from Williams-Sonoma) on the front door. Finally, we put interior white lights on all the front facing windows on the first and second floor.
It's kind of funny for me to look at the front of our house. We always enter from our back door, so we hardly ever even see the front. It definitely needs a little TLC come spring. And does anyone else think its weird that we only have 3 columns on our front porch instead of 4? For the life of us we cannot figure out why a column wasn't put in on the left of the stairs.
Anyway...with this, my December to-do list officially looks like this...
- Bring Madeleine to see Santa
- Buy Christmas Tree
- Decorate for Christmas (tree, interior,
- Christmas Shopping (We have 20 people to buy for!)
- Christmas Eve Meal - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Christmas Cookies - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Wrap Christmas presents (make sure I have boxes, paper, and bows)
- Attend mass (last year we missed this due to an urgent care visit with Madeleine on Christmas Day)
- Christmas Cards - Create / Buy
/ Mail-out
- Mail Christmas gifts to out-of-town family
- Clean the house for Christmas Eve
Other than wrapping presents, all that is left is cooking/cleaning for Christmas Eve. Oh, and we have our plan for Christmas mass as well. My parents and little sister are sleeping over Christmas Eve, so I think Bill and I are going to go to midnight mass that night. Let's hope we don't fall asleep during it!!!
Although it is hardly worthy of Clark Griswald, we did decorate the front of our house for Christmas. We never really done this before, so we kept it small and simple this year.
On the front porch we hung pre-lit garland we picked up at Stein's. We wrapped it around the railing going up the porch steps, and then across the front of the porch with a red bow in the middle of each swag. Then we wrapped red plastic ribbon around the end columns of the porch like candy canes.
I hung my jingle bell wreath (from Williams-Sonoma) on the front door. Finally, we put interior white lights on all the front facing windows on the first and second floor.
It's kind of funny for me to look at the front of our house. We always enter from our back door, so we hardly ever even see the front. It definitely needs a little TLC come spring. And does anyone else think its weird that we only have 3 columns on our front porch instead of 4? For the life of us we cannot figure out why a column wasn't put in on the left of the stairs.
Anyway...with this, my December to-do list officially looks like this...
- Buy Christmas Tree
- Christmas Eve Meal - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Christmas Cookies - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Wrap Christmas presents (make sure I have boxes, paper, and bows)
- Attend mass (last year we missed this due to an urgent care visit with Madeleine on Christmas Day)
- Clean the house for Christmas Eve
Other than wrapping presents, all that is left is cooking/cleaning for Christmas Eve. Oh, and we have our plan for Christmas mass as well. My parents and little sister are sleeping over Christmas Eve, so I think Bill and I are going to go to midnight mass that night. Let's hope we don't fall asleep during it!!!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Christmas Decor - Dining Room Edition
Alright, let's wrap up the interior Christmas decorations with a quick look at our dining room.
Over by the bay window I've been displaying all the Christmas cards we've received so far (just taping them to the window). I also put up my Waterford 12 Days of Christmas bells. They are discontinued now, but you can still get them at various places online. Bill had given me the first two, but forgot last year. He surprised me earlier this month with three and four! They're very pretty, and definitely fall into the "fancy" category of my decorations.
Now all I have to do is keep it clean until Christmas Eve!
Over by the bay window I've been displaying all the Christmas cards we've received so far (just taping them to the window). I also put up my Waterford 12 Days of Christmas bells. They are discontinued now, but you can still get them at various places online. Bill had given me the first two, but forgot last year. He surprised me earlier this month with three and four! They're very pretty, and definitely fall into the "fancy" category of my decorations.
Next our corner cabinet has our childhood stockings displayed. Mine is the striped one on top, and Bill's has Mrs. Claus on it; which I think is hilarious. His was handknit by a family member who thought he was going to be a girl. I love that he still used it all those years.
On the dining room table I have my table cloth from Williams-Sonoma. I bought it last year the day after Christmas for super cheap with six matching napkins. In the middle of it I have my Santa cookie jar and salt/pepper shakers. They were a gift form my sister last year, bought at West Elm. I was hoping they would have the set again, so I could get the matching milk pitcher and mug to complete the set, but they didn't. However, a few days ago, I was able to score the milk pitcher on eBay! It's new-in-box, so I'm pretty excited. Now I just have to track down the mug.
Finally, on the bar, I set up my nativity set. For the life of me, I do not recall where I got it; but I've had it for a number of years now. It's very modern, and I love all the colored glass. I just really like how different it is.
So, that's that for our interior Christmas decorations. It's really just the two rooms. Next year, I'll have to figure out a way to bring some Christmas touches to the kitchen and bathroom too, maybe with some cute dish/hand towels.Now all I have to do is keep it clean until Christmas Eve!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Christmas Decor - Living Room Edition
I think I'm pretty much done with our interior Christmas decorations. I have such a random collection of items that it's not quite as cohesive as I would have liked, but it's done! I seem to have a few different tastes when it comes to Christmas that I'll classify as traditional, fancy, and modern. I don't have enough of any yet to do the whole house in one style, so everything I had went up this year. I already talked about the tree here, so let's take a look at the rest of the living room, shall we?
Our living room is pretty wide, so I couldn't get a shot of the entire room, so these are shots of each side; plus our built-ins.
Here's a closer look at the details...on the black console table we have the Nutcracker Ballet snowglobe I got Madeleine for her first Christmas (from Gump's, still available here).
Our living room is pretty wide, so I couldn't get a shot of the entire room, so these are shots of each side; plus our built-ins.
Here's a closer look at the details...on the black console table we have the Nutcracker Ballet snowglobe I got Madeleine for her first Christmas (from Gump's, still available here).
Next, a new purchase this year, I picked up felt Holiday Lights Garland (from Land of Nod, still available here). I saw them last year and was hoping to get them cheap in an after Christmas sale, but they were gone. When I saw them again this year, and then they went on sale (and still are on sale), I decided just to get them. They look cute above our French doors, and Madeleine seems to like them.
On the other side of the room, I had fun adding some touches to our new built-ins. Bill just recently finished building the bookcases around the television, and it was fun to have new surface to decorate! We hung Madeleine and Banshee's stockings (from Annie's Woolens). They are so cute, and a Wisconsin company too, so I was happy to buy local. I'm going to get Baby Boy's from here as well next year.
I picked up these mercury glass trees last year after Christmas for super cheap from Williams-Sonoma. The little snowman candle was a gift someone gave me last year as well.
On the otherside of the television I put my Nutcracker; a Christmas gift from my mom ages ago. I also had a little gold wire present box. I got it as a gift last year. It was filled with candy. I thought the box was cute though, so I saved it.
Then we hung some felt tree ornaments above the television, and on the small window above our couch as well. They were from Target last year.
So, that's the living room! Oh, and I didn't get a close up shot of it, but you'll notice our Buffalo head (from Cardboard Safari) is donning a Santa hat. We also have a stack of Christmas books on the end table we read to Madeleine daily.
So, that's the living room all dolled up for Christmas. It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but it's festive. I'll be back tomorrow with how we dressed up the dining room.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Time Flies When Your Having Fun
If I thought time was going fast prior to having Madeleine, since her arrival it now moves at warp speed.
We just recently had her 2 year old portraits taken, and I just keep thinking...How can she possibly be 2 years old already!!
Here's her best "portrait" shot. It was really hard to get her to sit still, but we got a few cute ones.
We also got some nice candids. I thought this one really showcased her natural smile well.
Finally, we did manage a decent family shot. This is what we used on our Christmas card (which I created and ordered last night). I had wanted Madeleine in the middle of us to break up our black, but at least we got something.
And just for fun...here's my favorites from all the photo shoots we did the first two years.
Her face has definitely thinned out over the last six months. She looks more "little girl" now than "baby." Seriously...2 years!! I still can't believe it.
All photos taken by Elizabeth at Photography Atelier, but owned by me.
We just recently had her 2 year old portraits taken, and I just keep thinking...How can she possibly be 2 years old already!!
Here's her best "portrait" shot. It was really hard to get her to sit still, but we got a few cute ones.
We also got some nice candids. I thought this one really showcased her natural smile well.
Finally, we did manage a decent family shot. This is what we used on our Christmas card (which I created and ordered last night). I had wanted Madeleine in the middle of us to break up our black, but at least we got something.
And just for fun...here's my favorites from all the photo shoots we did the first two years.
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Newborn (I think she's about 6 weeks old here) |
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3 months |
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6 months |
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9 months |
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1 year |
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18 months |
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2 years |
All photos taken by Elizabeth at Photography Atelier, but owned by me.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Oh Christmas Tree
I mentioned last week (here) that I created a list of things that needed to be done in December. I'm trying to have as stress-free a holiday season as possible, and I'm a list girl. So, here's where we're at.
Here's what December looks like for us:
December 1st - Breakfast with Santa
at a work colleague's house This was fun, and Madeleine had a blast!
December 6th - St. Nick's We remembered!!
December 9th -Cookie Exchange party at a friend's Changing to Brother-in-Law's going away party - Bill's little brother joined the Air Force and is about to head out to Basic Training.
December 13th - Holiday Open House at my
office We decided we're not going to attend this one. Remember, sometimes its okay to decline an invitation! I consistently have to remind myself of this.
December 24th - Christmas Eve at our house with my family visiting
December 25th - Christmas at my mother-in-law's
In addition, this is what needs to be done:
- Bring Madeleine to see Santa
- Buy
Christmas Tree
- Decorate for Christmas (tree, interior, exterior)
- Christmas Shopping (We have 20 people to buy for!)
- Christmas Eve Meal - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Christmas Cookies - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Wrap Christmas presents (make sure I have boxes, paper, and bows)
- Attend mass (last year we missed this due to an urgent care visit with Madeleine on Christmas Day)
- Christmas Cards - Create / Buy / Mail-out
- Mail Christmas gifts to out-of-town family
- Clean the house for Christmas Eve
Yes, the holiday decorations are all up. I know I'm a little wordy, so I'm going to designate a post each to the tree, interior, and exterior. Today we'll focus on the tree!
I mentioned here we went with a fake tree this year, and I'll confess that I genuinely like it. I still think we should get a real one sometimes, as I have such fond memories of getting all bundled up and picking out a tree with my dad and sisters (for some reason my mom never came with us - go figure). We always just went to the Christmas tree lot located on the tennis courts of a local park, but it was fun. It was our tradition. I'd like Madeleine and her little brother (to be named later) to experience that as well.
I know a few people who actually cut down there own tree every year. I think that would be awesome to try sometime. You also can't beat the smell of real trees, but I suppose that can be easily duplicated by a scented candle.
But back to our tree...I'm liking the fake tree. It was so simple to put together, and I love that it is basically perfectly symmetrical. Also, as we were hanging ornaments, we could manipulate branches if needed to make room for longer/bigger ornaments.
Here's the finished product...
We bought a tree without lights, as I like to use the big C7 colored bulbs. So, after we put the tree together, Bill strung the lights. When Madeleine woke up from her nap, we got to decorating. Oh, and we also put the movie Elf on while we decorated. That has become a little tradition that Bill and I started. It's such a great holiday movie.
Most of the ornaments are mine. Bill has a small box of Hallmark ornaments and homemade ones from his childhood, but other than that they're all mine. My mom, little sister, and myself are all sort of obsessed with ornaments. Our favorites are the Old World Christmas ones. They are very shiny and glittery; most have nothing to do Christmas, but I love them. I have a number of Hallmark ornaments, and also tend to pick up ornaments when I travel to commemorate a trip. Here's my buffalo I picked up when Bill and I went to South Dakota.
Madeleine did really well with the ornaments. Her job was mostly carrying them between myself (who was unwrapping them) and Bill (who was hanging them). She lost interest after a bit though, so Bill and I just finished it up while she played.
There are plenty of breakable ones at her level as well. I just told her not to touch them, and she's been good about it so far. The only ones that have really interested her is a group of Hallmark ones I have shaped like Disney characters. Mouse and Duck are new words for her, so she likes to point to Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Daisy and say either "mouse" or "duck".
Once all the ornaments were up I had to think a bit about how to finish it up. I've always used icicle tinsel on my trees (you know the kind that comes in hundreds of little strands and you sort of throw on the tree). That's what we always did growing up, and it just makes everything so shiny and glittery. The problem...it's hard to remove. With a real tree you can just throw the stray strands away with the tree, but with a fake one I would have to remove each individual strand. So, I wasn't quite sure how to finish things off for this tree. I toyed with the idea of wrapping ribbon around it or adding bows here and there, but ended up getting gold beaded garland at Target instead. As this is a first for me, it seemed like the easiest material to work with.
I'll admit it looks a little weird to me. Usually they are just covered in tinsel, so it's strange to see so much green.
This was a good exercise for me though. Let's just say I like things how I like them, and am not always open to change. I will admit though that I have always secretly wanted to try a theme tree with coordinating ornaments in one color scheme. So, maybe next year I'll try that. It would be fun to decide as a family what color scheme to go with each year. Maybe that will be our new tradition.
And just so you don't have to scroll back to the top...here's the tree one more time, and once with the lights off to show it off lighted up!
Here's what December looks like for us:
December 9th -
December 24th - Christmas Eve at our house with my family visiting
December 25th - Christmas at my mother-in-law's
In addition, this is what needs to be done:
- Christmas Shopping (We have 20 people to buy for!)
- Christmas Eve Meal - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Christmas Cookies - Plan / Buy Ingredients / Make
- Wrap Christmas presents (make sure I have boxes, paper, and bows)
- Attend mass (last year we missed this due to an urgent care visit with Madeleine on Christmas Day)
- Christmas Cards - Create / Buy / Mail-out
- Mail Christmas gifts to out-of-town family
- Clean the house for Christmas Eve
Yes, the holiday decorations are all up. I know I'm a little wordy, so I'm going to designate a post each to the tree, interior, and exterior. Today we'll focus on the tree!
I mentioned here we went with a fake tree this year, and I'll confess that I genuinely like it. I still think we should get a real one sometimes, as I have such fond memories of getting all bundled up and picking out a tree with my dad and sisters (for some reason my mom never came with us - go figure). We always just went to the Christmas tree lot located on the tennis courts of a local park, but it was fun. It was our tradition. I'd like Madeleine and her little brother (to be named later) to experience that as well.
I know a few people who actually cut down there own tree every year. I think that would be awesome to try sometime. You also can't beat the smell of real trees, but I suppose that can be easily duplicated by a scented candle.
But back to our tree...I'm liking the fake tree. It was so simple to put together, and I love that it is basically perfectly symmetrical. Also, as we were hanging ornaments, we could manipulate branches if needed to make room for longer/bigger ornaments.
Here's the finished product...
We bought a tree without lights, as I like to use the big C7 colored bulbs. So, after we put the tree together, Bill strung the lights. When Madeleine woke up from her nap, we got to decorating. Oh, and we also put the movie Elf on while we decorated. That has become a little tradition that Bill and I started. It's such a great holiday movie.
Most of the ornaments are mine. Bill has a small box of Hallmark ornaments and homemade ones from his childhood, but other than that they're all mine. My mom, little sister, and myself are all sort of obsessed with ornaments. Our favorites are the Old World Christmas ones. They are very shiny and glittery; most have nothing to do Christmas, but I love them. I have a number of Hallmark ornaments, and also tend to pick up ornaments when I travel to commemorate a trip. Here's my buffalo I picked up when Bill and I went to South Dakota.
Madeleine did really well with the ornaments. Her job was mostly carrying them between myself (who was unwrapping them) and Bill (who was hanging them). She lost interest after a bit though, so Bill and I just finished it up while she played.
There are plenty of breakable ones at her level as well. I just told her not to touch them, and she's been good about it so far. The only ones that have really interested her is a group of Hallmark ones I have shaped like Disney characters. Mouse and Duck are new words for her, so she likes to point to Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Daisy and say either "mouse" or "duck".
Once all the ornaments were up I had to think a bit about how to finish it up. I've always used icicle tinsel on my trees (you know the kind that comes in hundreds of little strands and you sort of throw on the tree). That's what we always did growing up, and it just makes everything so shiny and glittery. The problem...it's hard to remove. With a real tree you can just throw the stray strands away with the tree, but with a fake one I would have to remove each individual strand. So, I wasn't quite sure how to finish things off for this tree. I toyed with the idea of wrapping ribbon around it or adding bows here and there, but ended up getting gold beaded garland at Target instead. As this is a first for me, it seemed like the easiest material to work with.
I'll admit it looks a little weird to me. Usually they are just covered in tinsel, so it's strange to see so much green.
This was a good exercise for me though. Let's just say I like things how I like them, and am not always open to change. I will admit though that I have always secretly wanted to try a theme tree with coordinating ornaments in one color scheme. So, maybe next year I'll try that. It would be fun to decide as a family what color scheme to go with each year. Maybe that will be our new tradition.
And just so you don't have to scroll back to the top...here's the tree one more time, and once with the lights off to show it off lighted up!
How do you guys decorate your tree? Is it the same year to year, or do you go the theme route. We actually came "this" close to buying a white tree, but I decided on this one as I figured we would get more use out of it. I have secretely always wanted to do a white christmas tree with blue/silver ornaments.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Did St. Nick come to your house last night?
We never did St. Nick's growing up, but here in (the largely German) Milwaukee it seems to be very popular. I think it is a cute tradition though, so I thought we'd do it with Madeleine this year. I've heard all sort of different takes on it too. Some people just give an orange, some candy, some a small present. Then, some people put their stockings out, and some people put their shoes out. We decided to put Madeleine's little shoes outside her bedroom door, and got her a small present.
We bought her The Night Before Christmas book, as I thought it would be good to read over the next few weeks to help her understand all this Christmas and Santa Claus stuff; as I really don't think she has any idea what is going on yet. We bought this edition, as I just loved the illustrations.
I think this is something that we'll continue to do. It's fun and easy to do. The hard part will be remembering every year. I totally had it on my radar, and still almost forgot about it.
We never did St. Nick's growing up, but here in (the largely German) Milwaukee it seems to be very popular. I think it is a cute tradition though, so I thought we'd do it with Madeleine this year. I've heard all sort of different takes on it too. Some people just give an orange, some candy, some a small present. Then, some people put their stockings out, and some people put their shoes out. We decided to put Madeleine's little shoes outside her bedroom door, and got her a small present.
We bought her The Night Before Christmas book, as I thought it would be good to read over the next few weeks to help her understand all this Christmas and Santa Claus stuff; as I really don't think she has any idea what is going on yet. We bought this edition, as I just loved the illustrations.
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Photo Source: amazon.com |
It was kind of funny as this is a pretty big book, and Madeleine's shoes are very small. I didn't take a picture of it (bad blogger, I know); but I wrapped the book and stuck just the corner of it in her little shoe. So, basically we had this tiny little shoe with a giant book sticking out of it.
We woke her up a few minutes early, so she could unwrap it; and then we read it quickly once before we headed out. She seemed to like the pictures as much as I did. There were lots of pointing and exclaiming "moon", "dog", and "baby" as we flipped through it.
I think this is something that we'll continue to do. It's fun and easy to do. The hard part will be remembering every year. I totally had it on my radar, and still almost forgot about it.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Whatcha Watching?
I'll be honest with you...most nights after Madeleine goes to bed I am so exhausted that I just crash in front of the television. Part of me really wants to utilize these precious three hours before my own bedtime to take care of things around the house, but that part of me usually doesn't win. So, I thought I'd take a moment to analyze what I watch to help me determine what I feel is really worth my time, and see what (if anything) can go by the wayside.
So, here's what I watch, and why...
How I Met Your Mother (CBS) - I primarily watch this show for the characters Barney Stinson and Marshall & Lily. Barney is hilarious and Marshall & Lily are adorable. I actually don't really like the main character, Ted, that much anymore; but am still really interested to find out who the "mother" will be. I figure this show probably only has another season left, maybe two tops. I really hope Ted meets the "mother" on the last episode and it just ends with the line "And that's how I met your mother." If he meets the mom and the show keeps going I'm going to be over it.
Gossip Girl (CW) - I watch this show for two reasons: 1) Chuck & Blair and 2) the CLOTHES!!! I would love, love, love to have Blair or Lily's wardrobe from this show. This is actually its last season, and I'm glad as the storylines are getting a little far fetched. As long as it ends with Chuck and Blaire together I'll be happy.
Ben & Kate (Fox) - This is one of only two new shows we started watching this season; primarily because it is on right before New Girl. I think it is pretty funny, but I'm not 100% sure its a keeper yet.
New Girl (Fox) - Zooey Deschanel is one of my favorite actresses (and singers too). I love her quirkiness and think she is adorable. Part of me thinks her character on the show is not too different from how she is in real life. I love her, and I love Schmidt on this show. The only thing that kind of bums me out right now is the Nick character. They are setting him up to eventually get together with Jess, and he's so annoying. He's kind of become a caricature...always yelling all the time. I like him much better when he tones it down a bit.
The Mindy Project (Fox) - This is the other new show we picked up this season. I love Mindy Kaling, and so far am really liking this show. I think I'll be sticking with this one for sure.
Happy Endings (ABC) - I had to look up which day this show was actually on. It's set to record on my DVR, and just pops up randomly. It still makes me laugh, but if it weren't recording I probably wouldn't even miss it.
Modern Family (ABC) - This show came out with a bang, and is still going strong. It is a must-see for me every week. I love Phil Dunphy!!
The Big Bang Theory (CBS) - This is my absolute favorite sitcom right now! Bill and I have both liked it since day one, but we definately agree since they brought on Bernadette and especially Amy Farrah Fowler as "girlfriends" it has jumped to a whole new level of funny. Amy is my favorite character. I love her relationship with Sheldon, and her quasi-lesbian infatuation with Penny is hilarious. This scene is one my all-time favorite moment of the show so far...
30 Rock (NBC) - I love Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, so I've always enjoyed this one. It's just so silly, and makes me laugh every week. This is its last season, and I'll be sad to see it go.
Up All Night (NBC) - This show started the fall Madeleine was born, so I think Bill and I latched onto it because as brand new parents all the material was so relevant. We totally related, and still do. Plus, I totally love Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph.
Parks and Recreation (NBC) - This is one we just started watching because it was between 30 Rock and The Office, and it slowly became one of our favorites. It's very sweet. This is also in its last season, and I'll miss it as well. (I'm also bummed Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are getting divorced. They were so cute together!)
The Office (NBC) - This was one of my favorite shows when Steve Carel was on it. I was hoping it would keep its charm after he left, but alas, it hasn't. I probably would have stopped watching it this season, but it's the last season as well for this one; so I'll see it through. Steve Carel better make a final appearance!!
Glee (Fox) - I really liked this show when it first came out, and really up through last season as well. However, as often happens with shows that take place in high school, now that the main characters have graduated it's just not the same. Finn takes over the Glee Club while Mr. Schu is on sabbatical? Santana comes home from college to play Rizzo in the school musical? Plus, I thought they would focus more on the Junior class from last year, but instead they've introduced all these new characters that I just don't care about. I do like when they show Kurt and Rachel's lives in New York though. That's the show I want to see now...Kurt and Rachel Take New York!
Grimm (NBC) - I always like a good fantasy show, and I think this one is really good. I couldn't tell you the name of any of the actors in it, but it's pretty solid. We actually saw (and said "hi" to) one of the actors when we were in Portland earlier this year (it's filmed there). It was "Monroe" for those who watch it. We were waiting for a table at a restaurant, and he came in looking for a table as well. They obviously didn't recognize him, because they told him it was an hour wait. He turned to leave and I was all...OMG. I chased him down half a block, yelled "Excuse Me" until he stopped and turned (I told you I don't know his name!), then simply told him I was a fan of the show. He seemed genuinely thankful to hear it.
Saturday Night Live (NBC) - I still enjoy watching this show every week. Although, I haven't watched it "live" in a long time. It records, and we usually watch it here and there throughout the week.
Once Upon A Time (ABC) - Another fantasy show I enjoy. I don't know how much longevity this show has (it really should be a mini-series), but for now I still like it. I like how it tells parallel stories with the same characters in two different worlds. Plus, I really like Ginnifer Goodwin. She makes an excellent Snow White.
The Walking Dead (AMC) - And I save the best for last. This is my absolute favorite show right now...bar none. It's really the only show that I cannot wait to watch every week. If you're not familiar, it takes place in the aftermath of a zombie apocolypse, and follows a rag tag group of people around as they navigate this new world and basically, just try to survive. I will warn you that it is so grosse...it's bloody work killing zombies afterall; but it so well done. Every week I am on the edge of my seat. It's truly a show where nobody is safe either. They kill of main characters all the time. You literally never know what it going to happen. The mid-season finale was last night, and I don't know how I'm going to wait until February for new episodes. If you don't watch this one, it's an excellent time to get caught up. They are only in Season 3 right now. I highly recommend this one!!
Other shows I watch that aren't on right now are:
Cougar Town (TBS) - This show actually was cancelled, but TBS has picked it up and will start running new episodes in January. I love Courtney Cox and the silliness of this show.
Mad Men (AMC) - I love me some Don Draper, and have always loved the costumes on this show, but I think I may be done with this one. It's been a bit boring the last few seasons.
True Blood (HBO) - I am still enjoying this one. Vampire Eric is my favorite!
Downton Abby (PBS) - Besides The Walking Dead, this is my other favorite show right now!! Season 3 will air on PBS in January, and I can't wait!!!
Doctor Who (BBC America) - My sister got me hooked on this one. Another sci-fi, fantasy show, but I like it (Bill loves it!). We watched all 6 seasons over last summer, and have been watching Season 7 live. I'm really interested to see who the new companion is when it comes back next year.
So, after analyzing all this, here's what I came up with:
1) I'm watching about 12 hours of television a week. That's slightly misleading though, as I also watch rerun episodes of The Big Bang Theory on at 6pm during the week, and The Disney Channel is on for a bit both Saturday/Sunday mornings, and after naps. Madeleine only watches television here and there in 10-15 minute spurts, so if I sit and watch an entire episode of Good Luck Charlie, that's really on me. I'm going to work on not turning on the television until the shows I want to watch are actually on.
2) I tried to find some sort of theme among what I watch, but they are all so different. I mean, on Sunday night I watch a show about fairy tale characters followed by a show about zombies! The only thing I could come up with is that I like scripted television. I watch no reality shows at all. So, yay for me!!!
3) Four of the shows I am currently watching are in their last seasons. That will free up 2.5 hours during the week if I pick up no new shows.
4) I think I'm going to drop Glee, Mad Men, and Happy Endings. Maybe even Ben & Kate too. I'm going to cancel them on my DVR, and I bet I won't even miss them. That will free up another 2.5 to 3 hours!!
5) I can't believe the only thing I watch on Wednesday is Modern Family. I think I'm going to start designating this as a cleaning/project night. It is set to record, so I can just knock it out another night.
So, that's that. How do you guys feel about television? Do you think you watch too much? What are your must-sees every week? Is there something crazy good out there I should be watching? Everywhere I turn people are talking about Homeland. I'm scared to get sucked in though, but it's only in Season 2 I think, so it wouldn't take long to get caught up.
Oh, and for the record, Bill and I have very compatible television tastes. With the exception of maybe Gossip Girl and Glee, Bill watches all these shows as well. In addition, he watches shows on the Discovery and History channels like Pawn Stars and Gold Rush. He also watches a bit of sports, but thankfully he is not obsessed with them or anything. He's a pretty well-rounded guy.
So, here's what I watch, and why...
How I Met Your Mother (CBS) - I primarily watch this show for the characters Barney Stinson and Marshall & Lily. Barney is hilarious and Marshall & Lily are adorable. I actually don't really like the main character, Ted, that much anymore; but am still really interested to find out who the "mother" will be. I figure this show probably only has another season left, maybe two tops. I really hope Ted meets the "mother" on the last episode and it just ends with the line "And that's how I met your mother." If he meets the mom and the show keeps going I'm going to be over it.
Gossip Girl (CW) - I watch this show for two reasons: 1) Chuck & Blair and 2) the CLOTHES!!! I would love, love, love to have Blair or Lily's wardrobe from this show. This is actually its last season, and I'm glad as the storylines are getting a little far fetched. As long as it ends with Chuck and Blaire together I'll be happy.
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Photo Source: cwtv.com |
Ben & Kate (Fox) - This is one of only two new shows we started watching this season; primarily because it is on right before New Girl. I think it is pretty funny, but I'm not 100% sure its a keeper yet.
New Girl (Fox) - Zooey Deschanel is one of my favorite actresses (and singers too). I love her quirkiness and think she is adorable. Part of me thinks her character on the show is not too different from how she is in real life. I love her, and I love Schmidt on this show. The only thing that kind of bums me out right now is the Nick character. They are setting him up to eventually get together with Jess, and he's so annoying. He's kind of become a caricature...always yelling all the time. I like him much better when he tones it down a bit.
The Mindy Project (Fox) - This is the other new show we picked up this season. I love Mindy Kaling, and so far am really liking this show. I think I'll be sticking with this one for sure.
Happy Endings (ABC) - I had to look up which day this show was actually on. It's set to record on my DVR, and just pops up randomly. It still makes me laugh, but if it weren't recording I probably wouldn't even miss it.
Modern Family (ABC) - This show came out with a bang, and is still going strong. It is a must-see for me every week. I love Phil Dunphy!!
The Big Bang Theory (CBS) - This is my absolute favorite sitcom right now! Bill and I have both liked it since day one, but we definately agree since they brought on Bernadette and especially Amy Farrah Fowler as "girlfriends" it has jumped to a whole new level of funny. Amy is my favorite character. I love her relationship with Sheldon, and her quasi-lesbian infatuation with Penny is hilarious. This scene is one my all-time favorite moment of the show so far...
30 Rock (NBC) - I love Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin, so I've always enjoyed this one. It's just so silly, and makes me laugh every week. This is its last season, and I'll be sad to see it go.
Up All Night (NBC) - This show started the fall Madeleine was born, so I think Bill and I latched onto it because as brand new parents all the material was so relevant. We totally related, and still do. Plus, I totally love Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph.
Parks and Recreation (NBC) - This is one we just started watching because it was between 30 Rock and The Office, and it slowly became one of our favorites. It's very sweet. This is also in its last season, and I'll miss it as well. (I'm also bummed Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are getting divorced. They were so cute together!)
The Office (NBC) - This was one of my favorite shows when Steve Carel was on it. I was hoping it would keep its charm after he left, but alas, it hasn't. I probably would have stopped watching it this season, but it's the last season as well for this one; so I'll see it through. Steve Carel better make a final appearance!!
Glee (Fox) - I really liked this show when it first came out, and really up through last season as well. However, as often happens with shows that take place in high school, now that the main characters have graduated it's just not the same. Finn takes over the Glee Club while Mr. Schu is on sabbatical? Santana comes home from college to play Rizzo in the school musical? Plus, I thought they would focus more on the Junior class from last year, but instead they've introduced all these new characters that I just don't care about. I do like when they show Kurt and Rachel's lives in New York though. That's the show I want to see now...Kurt and Rachel Take New York!
Grimm (NBC) - I always like a good fantasy show, and I think this one is really good. I couldn't tell you the name of any of the actors in it, but it's pretty solid. We actually saw (and said "hi" to) one of the actors when we were in Portland earlier this year (it's filmed there). It was "Monroe" for those who watch it. We were waiting for a table at a restaurant, and he came in looking for a table as well. They obviously didn't recognize him, because they told him it was an hour wait. He turned to leave and I was all...OMG. I chased him down half a block, yelled "Excuse Me" until he stopped and turned (I told you I don't know his name!), then simply told him I was a fan of the show. He seemed genuinely thankful to hear it.
Saturday Night Live (NBC) - I still enjoy watching this show every week. Although, I haven't watched it "live" in a long time. It records, and we usually watch it here and there throughout the week.
Once Upon A Time (ABC) - Another fantasy show I enjoy. I don't know how much longevity this show has (it really should be a mini-series), but for now I still like it. I like how it tells parallel stories with the same characters in two different worlds. Plus, I really like Ginnifer Goodwin. She makes an excellent Snow White.
The Walking Dead (AMC) - And I save the best for last. This is my absolute favorite show right now...bar none. It's really the only show that I cannot wait to watch every week. If you're not familiar, it takes place in the aftermath of a zombie apocolypse, and follows a rag tag group of people around as they navigate this new world and basically, just try to survive. I will warn you that it is so grosse...it's bloody work killing zombies afterall; but it so well done. Every week I am on the edge of my seat. It's truly a show where nobody is safe either. They kill of main characters all the time. You literally never know what it going to happen. The mid-season finale was last night, and I don't know how I'm going to wait until February for new episodes. If you don't watch this one, it's an excellent time to get caught up. They are only in Season 3 right now. I highly recommend this one!!
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Photo Source: blogs.amctv.com |
Cougar Town (TBS) - This show actually was cancelled, but TBS has picked it up and will start running new episodes in January. I love Courtney Cox and the silliness of this show.
Mad Men (AMC) - I love me some Don Draper, and have always loved the costumes on this show, but I think I may be done with this one. It's been a bit boring the last few seasons.
True Blood (HBO) - I am still enjoying this one. Vampire Eric is my favorite!
Downton Abby (PBS) - Besides The Walking Dead, this is my other favorite show right now!! Season 3 will air on PBS in January, and I can't wait!!!
Doctor Who (BBC America) - My sister got me hooked on this one. Another sci-fi, fantasy show, but I like it (Bill loves it!). We watched all 6 seasons over last summer, and have been watching Season 7 live. I'm really interested to see who the new companion is when it comes back next year.
So, after analyzing all this, here's what I came up with:
1) I'm watching about 12 hours of television a week. That's slightly misleading though, as I also watch rerun episodes of The Big Bang Theory on at 6pm during the week, and The Disney Channel is on for a bit both Saturday/Sunday mornings, and after naps. Madeleine only watches television here and there in 10-15 minute spurts, so if I sit and watch an entire episode of Good Luck Charlie, that's really on me. I'm going to work on not turning on the television until the shows I want to watch are actually on.
2) I tried to find some sort of theme among what I watch, but they are all so different. I mean, on Sunday night I watch a show about fairy tale characters followed by a show about zombies! The only thing I could come up with is that I like scripted television. I watch no reality shows at all. So, yay for me!!!
3) Four of the shows I am currently watching are in their last seasons. That will free up 2.5 hours during the week if I pick up no new shows.
4) I think I'm going to drop Glee, Mad Men, and Happy Endings. Maybe even Ben & Kate too. I'm going to cancel them on my DVR, and I bet I won't even miss them. That will free up another 2.5 to 3 hours!!
5) I can't believe the only thing I watch on Wednesday is Modern Family. I think I'm going to start designating this as a cleaning/project night. It is set to record, so I can just knock it out another night.
So, that's that. How do you guys feel about television? Do you think you watch too much? What are your must-sees every week? Is there something crazy good out there I should be watching? Everywhere I turn people are talking about Homeland. I'm scared to get sucked in though, but it's only in Season 2 I think, so it wouldn't take long to get caught up.
Oh, and for the record, Bill and I have very compatible television tastes. With the exception of maybe Gossip Girl and Glee, Bill watches all these shows as well. In addition, he watches shows on the Discovery and History channels like Pawn Stars and Gold Rush. He also watches a bit of sports, but thankfully he is not obsessed with them or anything. He's a pretty well-rounded guy.
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