Yeah, that's not happening right now.
My life is a chaotic mess! I have so many unfinished projects, and so many things I want to see and do. I feel like most days I operate in survival mode, just trying to get through the day. It's not exactly "living" in my mind.
I did get a few things right though.
I fell in love and married the coolest dude I know, Bill. We've been together eight years now, married for the last four.
A few months after we got married we got this little pup, Banshee. She's our 3-year old Old English Sheepdog mix.
Then, in 2010, this amazing girl entered the picture. This is Madeleine. She just turned two.
Oh, and one more #2 is on its way; due next Spring!These are the people that make it all worth while. However, I want things to better...better for all of us...basically more AWESOME all around. So, I'll be using this blog as a tool to keep me motivated and on track as I attempt to turn my REAL life into my IDEAL life. Every aspect of my life needs a revamp in some way or another, so be prepared for posts about anything and everything.
Thanks for reading!
Looking forward to it! Love the photo of Madeleine!