Madeleine's vocabulary has increased by leaps and bounds over the last few months. She's still not quite in the full sentences stage, but I can understand her more often than not. Although, she does still occasionally speak in some sort of gibberish that I swear might be Chinese.
Anyway, she recently has been saying two things that just melt my heart everytime I hear them.
1. When she wakes up from naps or in the morning she gives me a hug and says...
I miss you, Mommy.
2. Then the other day on the potty and then today again when I was helping her out of her car seat, she'll ask for a hug then say...
I proud you, Mommy.
It's absolutely adorable. The "proud" one always makes me smile too. I don't get told too often that someone is proud of me, so even though its coming from my 2.5 year old - it's nice to hear (especially on those days when I'm feeling like the worst mother in the world).
I love this girl!!
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