Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jolly Old St. Nicholas

Did St. Nick come to your house last night?

We never did St. Nick's growing up, but here in (the largely German) Milwaukee it seems to be very popular.  I think it is a cute tradition though, so I thought we'd do it with Madeleine this year.  I've heard all sort of different takes on it too.  Some people just give an orange, some candy, some a small present.  Then, some people put their stockings out, and some people put their shoes out.  We decided to put Madeleine's little shoes outside her bedroom door, and got her a small present.

We bought her The Night Before Christmas book, as I thought it would be good to read over the next few weeks to help her understand all this Christmas and Santa Claus stuff; as I really don't think she has any idea what is going on yet.   We bought this edition, as I just loved the illustrations.

Photo Source:
It was kind of funny as this is a pretty big book, and Madeleine's shoes are very small.  I didn't take a picture of it (bad blogger, I know); but I wrapped the book and stuck just the corner of it in her little shoe.  So, basically we had this tiny little shoe with a giant book sticking out of it.
We woke her up a few minutes early, so she could unwrap it; and then we read it quickly once before we headed out.  She seemed to like the pictures as much as I did.  There were lots of pointing and exclaiming "moon", "dog", and "baby" as we flipped through it.

I think this is something that we'll continue to do.  It's fun and easy to do.  The hard part will be remembering every year.  I totally had it on my radar, and still almost forgot about it.

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